Letting Go of Shiny Things

08/01/2023 11:45 AM By Ian Powell

How Faith & Finances Aling With What Truly Matters

Do you remember Tomatoa, the crab in Moana, who sings "Shiny" and obsesses over collecting everything that sparkles and glitter? It's easy to relate to Tomatoa. Our world is filled with shiny objects that demand our attention and resources. Jeff Foxworthy says it well, "Rednecks like shiny objects." From the latest gadgets or a shiny bass boat to the trendiest clothes, we're often tempted to pursue material possessions that promise happiness but leave us unfulfilled. As Christians, we must seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33) and put our faith above materialism. Let's explore how our faith and finances align with what truly matters.

Jesus once said, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matthew 6:21, NIV). Our finances reflect our priorities, and where we invest our resources reveals what we value most. We may profess faith in God, but if our money is solely focused on worldly possessions, our hearts may not fully align with Him. We must remember that everything on this earth will end up in the trash dump, but our relationship with God and our love for others will endure.

In the book of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon reflects on the meaninglessness of accumulating wealth without purpose. He writes, "Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless" (Ecclesiastes 5:10, NIV). When we let the pursuit of material things consume us, we'll always want more. We will never feel content. As a result, we can quickly lose sight of what's truly important in life, such as our relationships with God, our spouse and kids, and others.

As Christians, we're called to be good stewards of our resources and to use them for God's purposes. I encourage you to ask yourself, 

"How can I use my finances to bless others and further God's Kingdom?" 

Whether giving to a charity or supporting a missionary, we can invest in something with eternal value. We can also be intentional about living simply and not being swayed by the latest trends or fads. When we let go of shiny objects and focus on the eternal, we'll experience greater purpose and joy.

Ultimately, it's not about what we accumulate in this life but about who (or instead Who's) we become. I've heard it said that we spend the first 40 years of our adult life acquiring a bunch of shiny things and the last 40 getting rid of them. However, as we seek God's Kingdom and righteousness, we'll find that our hearts and minds align with His will. We'll become more generous, more loving, and more fulfilled. So let's let go of the shiny things that distract us and focus on what truly matters: our relationship with God and our impact on others.

As Tomatoa learned, chasing after shiny things can be a never-ending cycle that leaves us empty. So let's instead pursue a life of faith that honors God and invests in what truly matters. As it says in Colossians 3:2, "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things" (NIV).

In conclusion, let's ensure that our hearts and minds align with God's will, not the lure of shiny objects. Let's be good stewards of our finances and use them for His glory. And let's pursue a life of faith that puts our relationship with God and others above materialism. As we do so, we'll find true fulfillment and joy that can only come from Him.

Are you struggling to abandon materialism and align your finances with your faith? I'm here to help. So connect with me today, and let's work together toward a life of purpose and abundance.

Ian Powell